Our Teams for 2025
We are getting ready for the Spin Together 2025 competition! You can learn about each of our teams right here and then join the team of your choice between January 28th and February 17th right here.
Blazing Star Ranch Spinners

Blazing Star Ranch Spinners is a group that just likes to spin and have fun. We have a shared love of fiber. Spinning connects us to the past and the future! Blazing Star Ranch is a full service yarn shop with a big emphasis on spinning, weaving and locally sourced fiber. We even grow our own with a herd of 60 alpacas! The ranch is in Elizabeth, CO, and our brick and mortar store is in Englewood, CO. We also sell online www.blazingstarranchonline.com.
Our in-team contests will be:
- Highest yardage spun during Spin Together.
- Most unique skein
- Most beautiful skein
The last two categories will be voted on by our team.
Grandma’s Spinning Wheel

I’m Vicky Konecky, the team captain. We are a brick and mortar fiber arts supply shop in Tucson, AZ, Grandma’s Spinning Wheel. We have a very active spinning community in our shop. We teach spinning as well as weaving, knitting, crocheting and various felting techniques. We have an amazing assortment of spinning fibers in roving, top, carded batts, and locally hand dyed braids by our in house dyers. We also carry much washed but uncarded fleeces. We have the largest fiber assortment for spinners in Arizona. We have an on-line store at www.grandmasspinningwheel.org. And we can be reached at 520-290-3738 or at spinningramma@aol.com.
Our in-team contests will be:
• Greatest number of yards on a wheel
• Greatest number of yards on a spindle
• Newest spinner
• Best “executed” new plying or consistency technique to the spinner. You must explain the technique and take pictures so that we can all judge the yarn. When plying, please be sure to spin all your plies so that you get the most allowable yardage possible.
The winners will get the choice between a hand-dyed braid or 3 ounces of cashmere fiber. We are offering a 15% discount for all fiber sold for the contest.
Griffin Dyeworks

Griffin Dyeworks is a non-profit organization based in California and dedicated to promoting historical textile art skills. Our team welcomes all skill levels and users of all spinning tools, and encourages members to set their own goals – we’ll cheer you on, whether it’s to spin a little every day or spin through your entire stash. We have an active group on Facebook and new Discord server. Find us online @griffindyeworks and http://www.griffindyeworks.com.
We’ll have three in-team contests:
- Stash Buster: Most weight spun
- Bobbin Stuffer: Longest yardage on a spindle or (non-jumbo) bobbin
- Extroverted Spinner: Most photos of you spinning in different places over the week!
Team International

We are a social team that will be hanging out in a Facebook group and holding daily morning zoom meeting in New Zealand time. We are very chatty and supportive. Some of us are traditional spinners and other art yarn spinners. Please feel free to join us even if your in a different team.
Our in-team contests will be for the most meterage and the most weight spun.
KC Spinners

We are hosted by Kanawha City Yarn Company in Charleston, WV. Our co-captain is Sarah, the owner of the LYS here in Charleston. KCYC caters to not only knitters and crocheters, but they also carry supplies for spinners and weavers. They are an Ashford Wheels and Looms dealer. Sarah has been a spinner for a number of years. The team captain is Ben Randolph, a wheel and spindle spinner for number of years.
You can find Kanawha City Yarn Company online and Facebook!
Our in-team contests will be the following:
- Most Unique Skein- Take your spinning to next level and spin that unique skein of yarn! Winner will receive 4oz Roving and bottle Eucalan wool wash.
- Spin the Most Yardage in a week!- Challenge yourself to see how many yards you can spin this week. Winner will receive 4oz Roving and bottle Eucalan wool wash.
Team Knitspin Spin

Our Team is located in the USA. We are very easy-going. We will try to do some zoom meetings. We will post in our group and show what we are doing.
We are a team that love to spin but we do take our time spinning lovely fibers. We do this for fun and for having a nice time with other spinner. We welcome anyone into our group. We do have a facebook group for the team.
My name is Isaura, and my business name is Knitspin. Knitspin came about for the love of colors. I used to be a cosmetologist in my previous job and love blending colors. That is how Knitspin was born–for the love of blending different colors to achieve a wonderful ending color. I love to blend as many colors to have a beautiful finished item.
We are located in Illinois. My company sells hand-dyed roving, handspun yarn, Angelina, and other fibers as well as adorable sheep-shaped soaps. Everything is handmade by me, and you can find it at www.Knitspin.Etsy.com. Knitspin is on Ravelry as Knitspin and on Instagram as KnitspinFibers.
One of the team contests will be a creative contest and the other will be yardage-based.
Team Lookie Wookie

We are a team of spinners from New Hampshire and surrounding states, though of course anyone is welcome to join our team. We have gotten to know each other through the New Hampshire Fiber Friends Facebook group and support each others businesses and farms. We have several brick and mortar stores in our group that are owned and operated independently, but for this event, we are not tied directly to one store.
Our in-team contests will be for the finest yarn and best project spin, and the prizes will be angora fiber!
Team Motley Krewe

Team Motley Krewe is an all-inclusive team! New or experienced, in the US or abroad all are WELCOME!! We’re excited to have everyone come together for spinning fun and a wee bit of competition. Many of our team members are fiber producers with various animals including angora goats, a variety of sheep breeds, alpacas & llamas and angora rabbits. We love to get together with other spinners and chit chat, share techniques and learn from each other while we spin in our virtual meet ups. Many of last year’s team members are planning to return for 2025 so if you want in, don’t delay!
We share progress in our private Facebook group and meet on Zoom throughout the competition. While we are a FUN, no-pressure group but do ask that you can dedicate time to spin, share and join in whenever possible. Your Captain and co-Captain are Lori Greer and Jeannette Austin Davis.
We will have contests for:
- Prettiest Skein (team vote)
- Most Yards Spun – 3 categories – Drop Spindle, Traditional Wheel, E-Spinner
- Wildest Art Yarn
- Craziest Place to Spin with photo proof of course
Prizes will range from gift certificates to fiber to fiber related items.
NPJ Knotty Spinsters

We are the team for the spinners of Needlepoint Joint in Ogden, Utah! We carry everything you need for knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, spinning, weaving, etc. Find us online at needlepointjoint.com, instagram and facebook: @needlepointjoint.
Our in-team contests will be for the Least Satisfying Skein and Most Beautiful Skein with $25 gift cards for each.
PHS Spin Together

Prairie Handspinners Guild is a group of handspinning enthusiasts whose primary goal is to extend members’ knowledge of handspinning, to educate the public and keep this heritage craft alive. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in handspinning and all the related fibers arts. Our members incorporate handspinning in a wide variety of fiber arts including knitting, weaving, rug-making, felting, crochet and many others. We have members from a 150 mile radius surrounding Billings, Montana. All skill levels are welcome from never spun before to 50 years of experience.
Our in-team contests will be for the most yardage for drop spindle and traditional wheel as well as Most Valuable Spinner (MVS). This is the most supportive player.
Ply Magazine S-Twist

PLY Magazine is an independent quarterly spinning magazine with single-topic issues that explore that topic from every angle. PLY’s S-Twist team is co-captained by Karen Robinson (new PLY Editor in Chief) and Jillian Moreno (PLY Developmental Editor) and welcomes spinners of all levels and around the world to join us.
Along with the regular competition categories, we’ll have two team-specific contests: the first for yarn spun based on a specific article from any issue of PLY and the second for best use of color. Prizes will be a one-year subscription to PLY (or extension if you have a current subscription) or 3-month membership to the PLY Spinners Guild. We’ll also have some friendly competition with PLY’s Z-Twist team and will host a Zoom meetup for both teams. Find out more about PLY on our website: https://plymagazine.com/ and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plymagazine/
Ply Magazine Z-Twist

PLY Magazine is an independent quarterly spinning magazine with single-topic issues that explore that topic from every angle. PLY’s Z-Twist team is co-captained by Jacey Boggs Faulkner (Publisher & Director) and Meagan Condon (Technical Editor) and welcomes spinners of all levels and around the world to join us.
Along with the regular competition categories, we’ll have two team-specific contests: the first is for best use of texture and the second for most learned from a yarn-gone-wrong. Prizes will be a one-year subscription to PLY (or extension if you have a current subscription) or 3-month membership to the PLY Spinners Guild. We’ll also have some friendly competition with PLY’s S-Twist team and will host a Zoom meetup for both teams.
Find out more about PLY on our website: https://plymagazine.com/
Purly Shell Pirates

Purly Shell Pirates is happy to be back with Spin Together! We welcome all and have two very firm rules: 1 HAVE FUN! Yes we compete but this is for fun. 2: Every day do something for yourself. This can be spinning all day or getting a manicure. The point is you challenge yourself to put yourself first. Come join us. It’s going to be a great year! You can find out more at http://www.purlyshellyarn.com or on our facebook page.
Our in-team contests will include:
1. Most Yardage Spun
2 Most skeins completed (2 ply or more)
3. Most pounds spun
4. Biggest cheerleader – most posts tagging the team the week of the competition.
Purple Lamb

Purple Lamb is all about joy! Though I have been organizing Spin Together since the beginning, this is the first year I’ll be running my own team, and I’m really excited! This team is going to be about the fun of spinning together, building spinning skills, and trying new spinning techniques.
In addition to taking part in the big Spin Together competition, we’ll have two in-team contests–one for Most Beautiful Skein and one for Wildest Art Yarn. The prizes will be $50 gift cards from my shop for the fiber or yarn of your choice. I want this team to be fun and also stress-free. I’ll be available to hang out with you on the Purple Lamb Team Facebook Group each day during Spin Together week.
I’m Carla Hanson, the owner of Purple Lamb Fiber Arts and one of the founders/organizers of Spin Together. I have been spinning for 24 years now! I spin, weave, and knit, and I love helping others to do the same. I especially love to spin from art batts.
You can find my shop at www.purplelambfiberarts.com where I make hand-dyed yarn and luxurious art batts. I’m in Texas, and I ship through the US and to Canada.
I hope the fiber arts bring you peace and joy during Spin Together and every day of the year!
Ross Farm Fiber Fanatics
Our farm raises multiple rare and heritage breeds of sheep and we love to spin even more of them! Join us for some finery challenges that will get you out of your merino rut and into the unknown! You can find us online at https://therossfarm.com.
Stranded Spinners

Welcome! Our team is for enthusiastic spinners of any skill level. Captained by Tara Roberts. We will host daily spinning socials during the competition week – in the shop in person and on ZOOM for remote spinners. Discussion groups will be online. Registered team members will get discounts on fiber purchases through the end of the competition and enjoy some in-team competition. We have a special hand-dyed colorway just for team members. This year’s theme is colors inspired by the Pacific Giant Squid.
We will also have in-team prizes for mini-contests amongst our team members. The contests will include Most Yards Spun during competition week, Best Total Average Yards per Ounce for all skeins spun during competition week, and a Spinning BINGO. The contest winner for each category will receive a $25 Gift Card.
Stranded by the Sea is a local yarn store in the Creative District of Edmonds, WA. We offer natural yarn and fiber arts supplies. We carry hand-dyed spinning fiber and tools from local makers and are a Schacht, Ashford, and Louet dealer.

Hey there! I am Sarah Teague and I am the captain for Team WEBS this year. WEBS – America’s Yarn Store is a yarn and fiber mecca nestled amongst the hill towns of Western Massachusetts in the US. We have a brick and mortar store, as well as a large online presence. Our team celebrates teamwork, equality, and individuality within the fiber arts, and welcome any and all no matter your skill level. Our goal is to have fun, connect, and further improve our skills as spinners through consistent practice during the week.
Here’s a description of our in-team contests:
- Treadle To The Metal: Most yardage spun (plying credit applies) for those going for distance.
- Stash Buster: Most fiber spun by weight (oz/g) for those spinning chunky or wanting to make room for more.
- Flock Ambassador: Largest number of public locations spun at for those who may not be able to spin much – but can take their spinning wherever they go and lure new members into the herd 😉
West 7th Woolies

We are a brick and mortar yarn shop that hosts a vibrant, fiber-loving crew of spinners in Fort Worth, Texas. Our team is all about fun, creativity, and community, and we’re beyond excited to spin our hearts out for this year’s Spin Together competition. Whether you’re a seasoned spinner or just starting out, we’re here to cheer each other on, share tips, and celebrate all the beautiful yarn we create. Let’s spin some magic together and make this week unforgettable! Find us on all the socials @west7thwool and at www.west7thwool.com
We’ll have two in-team contests–Most Unusual Skein and Most Yardage–and we’ll be offering $25 gift cards for each.
Wild Hair Studio Spinners

Welcome to Wild Hair Studio Spinners! This is Wild Hair Studio Spinners’ first year in Spin Together, and I’m excited to share a week of fun and spinning with you!
I’m Amanda, your Team Captain and the one woman show behind Wild Hair Studio. Wild Hair Studio is a small farm and dye studio in Tennessee. I offer a selection of rovings, tops, batts, rolags, yarns and other fibery goodness as well as needle felted sculptures and hand painted items in my etsy shop – wildhairfiber. You can keep up with the latest news on IG (wild.hair.fiber) or on the Wild Hair Studio FB page.
Wild Hair Studio Spinners will be hosted on Facebook. All are welcome, including all skill levels, equipment preferences, and fiber preferences. The number one goal for the Wild Hair Studio Spinners is to have fun! Wild Hair Studio will be offering two $25 coupon codes to their Etsy shop as prizes for our in-team contests, which will include Project Spin and Most Evenly Spun Skein based on the descriptions for the same Spin Together contests.